Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Catholics: Do you believe in the 10 commandments?

we believe in the 10 commandments,as did jesus , but he emphasised the 2 most important ones. love the lord thy god with all your heart, mind, and soul, and secondly love your neighbour as yourself , on those 2 rest all the others . this became known as the golden rule as in luke 6:31

How do i get rid of the cloudiness in my tank? please help 2 have been K.I.A?

Cloudiness usually happen due to bacterial growth, try switching off your lights for 2 to 3 days, that should clear of the lighting, and do regular water change during these days. I have been answering questions for sometime and I havent figured out that yet lol :)

One proof that most christians do not even read the bible, as oppose to muslim?

How nice for you to be so smart. Christians take the part of the Bible that says "don't add onto this" very literally, which is why we reject Mohamed and his teachings as false.

How to end this betraying relationship??? plz you all help me!!!!! best advice 10 points?

If you don't like him, just end the relationship to avoid drawing it out any longer. Just be like "sorry! it's over i can't keep up this relationship because my feelings aren't there."

How do I view someones wall on facebook?

If you are not friends with him and his profile wall is blocked off to non-friends, then you will not be able to see his profile. for example, if he blocked his wall from people who aren't his facebook friends because there was some creeper stalking him, it would be unfair to him if somehow the creeper was able to get to his wall. does this help?

Best recruitment software, preferably open source or free?

I'm looking for software to manage a database for job applications and recruitment. I was going to use a modified version of web help desk because I like it's features, but using webforms for applications did not play well with it. I like how WHD installs locally and is access via web. I would like features like sort/filter, web access, applicant profile page, attachments (for resumes and cover sheets) and the ability to design a web form for the applicant to fill out which can be submitted directly to the system to create a new application. Any help? It doesn't have to be free, but I would prefer it to be and I definitely don't want the cost to be recurring.

Cant connect iphone to itunes?

my little brother and my sister both have their iPod touches connected to iTunes and it says their iPod and their names on the left side on iTunes. they said that when they plugged their iPod's in the computer recognized them immediately. but when i plug my iPhone into the computer a window pops up and says what system i would like to use for my iPhone camera. we all use the same account. and i just bought the movie battle los angeles it hasn't downloaded yet and you can only see it in movies and downloads. how can i get itunes to read my iphone and get that movie on my iphone? please help! thanks!

"Had WE sent this as a Quran... (in the language):4516 ? Who are these "WE" for a Muslim?

Aren't these the same as in: "Let US make Man in OUR image and likeness..." in the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis)? The Scriptures identify THIS ONE as the First One Created by God, His SON or FIRST BEGOTTEN. Who is this in the Quran?

Which is the best name for this character?

I would do charlie, but I guess Evan or will. Zach kind of sounds like a bad boy type name & this guy sounds realy sweet & shy and polite. So.. id go with will

I want to STOP liking him what can i do?

I've gotten really close to this guy, we text all the time, and he comes over a lot and we just sit around and talk. i sort of 'like' him but its really annoying because i love being friends with him and im totally content being friends with him. basically im having a battle between my brain and my heart, my brain says 'he's an awesome friend and you dont want to lose him by acting stupid' and my heart says 'he's the nicest guy you've ever met and you love everything about him, why dont you make out already?!' i need advice, should i give in to my heart (the easy road) or my brain (the more difficult road)? pleasseee help me!

Should I email my ex for closure?

Okay, so I'm having a really hard time getting over my ex and have a few things I feel like I want to say to her. Basically, I was dating this amazing girl for a while back in December and we had been good friends for years and ended up harboring secret crushes for one another. Then when she came and visited me then in December we kissed and revealed our crushes to one another and dated for a couple of weeks. She broke up with me after visiting me at home and getting my family to like her and vice-versa. She claimed that since she was moving to Florida to finish her senior year of college that she couldn't handle the lost distance. She also said that she needed to be on her own for a while and that she wasn't ready for a relationship, saying that she had some demons to fight on her own (she had battled an eating disorder and was still recovering emotionally and psychologically from that as well as fighting off her feelings of neurosis and self-sabotaging her own happiness). I was confused and heart broken because she was the one who initiated everything and kissed me first and told me how much she really liked me and needed me. Then I find out today she's moved to Florida and she is in a long distance relationship with some guy from her home town. I'm really hurt by this and haven't really talked to her since, our friendship now is just awkward as hell, I miss her more and more everyday, and I am torn on what to do. Part of me wants to try and win her back somehow, but the other part wants to make a clean break (delete her from my phone, delete her pictures, and take her off facebook) and I kind of want to write her a message or email explaining everything from my point of view and end it that way after she's heard how I feel, nothing negative I promise. What should I do?

Darth Vader seriously, in my dreams?!?

You are in trouble.You are being chased.You are not trying to solve the problem.You are running away from problem and being chased.Why can't you face the problem and solve it permanently?You are capable of that.

How can I make my wrinkly eyes, eye shadows, puffyness and crows feet begone?

I am 24 years old, been working late nights, been rubbing my eyes diligently because they itch, I have deep shadows under my eyes, eye wrinkles, crows feet, puffiness and so forth, I want to eliminate or possibly reduce them to the fullest extent. If anyone can recommend me a powerful remedy that I'd gladly appreciated. My eyes looks like they survived an epic battle with the power rangers, that's how messed up they are. Someone advise me to put vitamin e lotion on but I am skeptical of it's effectiveness.. Is there any superb anti aging eye wrinkle cream? Hence I'm not looking for concealers I want a permanent solution to this problematic situation.. Thanx in advance...... Am not looking for a under eye concealer as for I want to remedy this problem forever.

Why am I so prone to cysts?

They're gross, and I've been getting recurring ones in places *tailbone area, behind ear, ect* That never fully go away. They'll be kind of dormant, and then pop up. My doctor said surgery for the bad ones, and to leave the smaller ones since it'd be a lot to handle, but why do I get them? ): I don't have bad hygiene or eat too much fat, or anything, I don't get it.

Club Penguin Website disappeared - Members Please Respond!?

On occasion I pay the $5.95 monthly fee for my daughter to play on This morning she came to me complaining the website will not come up. Sure's they lost their domain or something. My concern is that I did not cancel the recurring monthly fee of $5.95. Would like to hear from other Club Penguin members and what you plan to do. As for me, I'll be contacting my bank to make sure they do not allow any further charges from this merchant which, without notice, appears non-existent.

Does he have a crush on me or something?!?

I moved to this school in fifth grade. Now I'll be going into freshman year. During the summer of fifth and sixth grade I went to the school to hang out with my best friend at the time(A girl). On the way there as we passed the gas station, there was a group of the more jock-like guys, who I do not like because they were very rude and judged people A LOT. Yes, we did have jock-ish people at that time, more mild then, though. Story short- we got called losers, fatties, bitches, etc., but went on. They were there when my friend and I got to the park-school thing. They teased us, stole my water, and well, were assholes. I never wanted to see their faces, mainly his. To my surprise, he was in my 6th grade class. Well, I avoided him because of his douche-ish acts. During the year, I progressed into more of a girl.(Within 3 months) Meaning--not to be offensive-- I slimmed out and got 4 inches taller.I was really short, by the end of that I was 5' and 1 half inches. After that was over... I caught him staring at me. That went on for the rest of the school year. While we were at a week long camp(in May), he was in my group, one thing on my mind- oh joy... I told this kid who I joke around with a lot that I, jokingly, hated him, the guy who I'm asking the question about(who I'll nickname 'boy') was behind me talking to a guy. Boy then said, 'you don't hate me, right?'. Confused I said "no.. you're alright." that was odd. On the last day of school, Boy walked up to me blushing and was going to say something, but then walked away.(I know it's long, bare with me!) He has been in 4 of my classes(not including 6th grade) during the course of middle school, and has been my project partner once, and we barely talked to each other during that time, or during middle school at all. Boy still stared and sometimes blushed or smiled. I talked to my very good best friend, who is a gamer and guy, and he said he has only the slightest clue of a yes. My very few female friends say, maybe. I really do not like this guy! He is rude and keeps girlfriends for like 2 months or less. Boy also harshly dumps them 75% of the time. He has been in my dreams a lot, though. Sometimes romantic scenes, and other times I battle him to the death. Thanks for reading through the whole long story. Please answer, and again, thanks!

Can a street sign named after a famous person be turned into a postcard for sale?

I took a photo of a street sign named after a famous person. Can I sell it as a postcard? Or do I need the estate permission (the person is deceased)? The photo is just the sign with the person's name. No photo of the person or his likeness will be featured on the postcard.

Is this normal for other people?

When I was younger and still today I dream about being in weird places that's Ive never been before. Sometimes I would meet people that I've never met. The next day or so, I would drive down somewhere I've never been or look at someone and notice that was exactly who or what was in my dream. When my best friend and me go on road trips and I see something familar I would tell her to stop the car. When I would tell her about how I've been here before she would look at me weird and tell me I've never been down here before. Also when I would focus on someone to long, it's like I could hear what they're saying. Once I was talking to my friend and I heard her voice in my thoughts say something, so I would repeat it and she would sit there saying how she was just about to say that. This is a recurring thing that keeps happening. Any ideas? ( Oh and Im not making this up, so don't say that I'm lying or that I have a active imagination. Because if you ever met me you would be freaked at what I can do. )

Should i join the Marines or the Navy?

My stepdad was a gunny in the marines, so he really got me wanting to join. I also have been looking into the Navy. Whichever one i go into, im going to be an officer. Im not sure, the Navy has great travel opportunities, and other stuff, but they dont see combat. The Marines have such strong brotherhood, as i can see when my stepdads USMC bros all come over. They are the few and the proud, and are full of pride. They also have the highest fatality rate, do to them being at the front lines. Also, what does a 2nd Lieutenant do in the Marine Corps? I'v heard everything from "All they do is paperwork, to "they lead the Marines into battle.

What ever happened to the boxer Sabastian Andres Lujan?

Welterweight fighter from Argentina.Looks like Cotto's Twin brother.course he was not as poised as Cotto...but what a likeness.What do you know about this man? I saw a fight with him and Antonio Margarito.But that's all i know.

I was wondering how to go about doing 1. 3ln(x) - 3=0 and 2. log2x - log(5x-3)=0...?

Yes,these two problems are on my homework but I would honestly like to know how to do them for future problems of the same likeness.

What does it mean when I dream myself as in a book series? As a Dragon and human shapeshifter?

I always have my dreams that I Eragon, but I am me. It is in my time then I go back in time after I touch "Saphira's" egg. Then I et to raise her and go through 1000 years to now again, but I stayed the same age. Then what happens is I appear in the egg and "Saphira" picks up me and raises me. so I can change between human and dragon and I am a rider. I also daydream alot about this and I even start talking to myself as if I am talking to a person, but I say saphira. In the dreams there is always a war or battle as well. I want to know why I have this in all my dreams. None for the past 2 years has been something else. Thank you for reading.

Mordor Catapults in Battle for middle earth 2 question?

I play BFME with a bunch of friends and its really fun until this dude came along and started playing with Mordor. His Nazgruls would rape everyone's base before our armies even met. Playing with the elves, I easily killed his Nazgruls with Mirkwood archers. After a few turns of sweet victory, he started creating an army of catapults that raped my archers before they could finish him off. Eventhough I tried different tactics with a mix of cavalry and archers, nothing seemed to work. Any advice?

Recurring dream's about my ex!?

Keep having this same dream about my ex contacting me through computer alway's the same but i can't read what she say's or even make out what she say's!?? What does it mean if anything!??

Does Wladimir Klitschko lacks the heart and killer instinct when he is in a toe to toe battle?

Remember what happened when Corrie Sanders and Lamon Brewster decided to impose their will on Vladimir Klitschko.

Without giving me a website, can someone tell me the timeline of "The Battle Of Britain"?

I just want to write a story about it, but I don't know what happened during those months. I rather sure it had a little bit more than dogfights.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A philosopher and a poet?

You are here and I am here. We can rejoice in that, or condemn it. And I think how we picture these personal confrontations also affects our outlook, hopes, and dreams.

Do you create video game characters in games that are similar or different to your own personality/ likeness?

Yeah sometimes I create a little me just to kind of improve the experience of 'me' playing the game but the main thing about a video game is that you can completely reinvent yourself to anything you want within the limits of the game and half the fun of character creation is making crazy and wacky possibilities!

How long would it take you to forgive someone you felt had put your child in danger because of poor judgment?

As soon as that person says sorry while actually seeming sorry.I may be a bit more careful around that person and such,but I will forgive them.Wait.I don't have kids.This doesn't apply to me...Oh well.

Can my ex having nude photos of me cause me to lose my child in a custody and child support battle in trial?

U are since look at what he's done u just might get a minimal offense while he did all this dumb **** I'm pretty sure they'll rather put ur child with u due to his records

Cant put weight on my wrist, why?

For the past year i have had recurring pain in my left wrist and cant bare to put any weight on it. This pain comes every month but last for a week or so. i can kind of move my wrist forward, backward, side to side, but when i try to bend it back or forward all the way it hurts. i can not put any weight on my wrist or lift anything up. i have ruled out tendonitis. my symptoms seem to match that of a ganglion cyst but when i bend my wrist to check for a bump, there is nothing there. i really want this pain to go away because i just recently joined the air force and dont want this pain to hold me back. if anyone has any idea what this can be, your opinion will be of great help. thank you

Do you believe we are all made in the Image of God?

Gen. 1:27, 28: “God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.’” (Thus God indicated his purpose to have the earth filled with the offspring of Adam and Eve as caretakers of a global paradise. After God had magnificently designed this earth for human habitation, making it unique among all the planets that man has examined with his telescopes and spaceships, did the Creator simply abandon his purpose, leaving it forever unfulfilled because of Adam’s sin?)

Pokemon Heartgold question?

well no its not cheating on your pokewalker your training your pokemon up plus it wont effect your Pokemon's stats ever well you should just have a certain time not to use your pokewalker so much

Why does he stay with me?

He obviously isn't fully invested in the relationship like you are. What you thought started out at so great and so strong might have just been a fling for him. You know by now that you can't make someone have feelings that you want them to have so my best advice for you would be to just start distancing yourself from this guy. It's going to suck and it's going to be hard at first but you're going to find that you're better off without him. If someone doesn't want to hang out with you as much as you want to hang out with him, then he isn't the perfect match you thought he was. You're idealizing him, you're making him out to be so much better than he is because you're in love with him and you're failing to admit that you can do better and you will do better when you just let him go an dmove on. Everyone deserves to be loved. So let yourself have that. This guy might not be a horrible person, he just isn't in love with you.

What does first,second,fourth commandments say?isnt it promoting religious terrorism and fanatism?

I'm just going to point out that jealousy doesn't seem very godly (although it does seem like something he would really hammer humans over).

Science is in the process of building (Android love dolls) Ive seen some programs on this Have you?

These androids are comparable to the likeness of real people. They are made to be beautiful, sexy, and can answer many questions as a real person does, when asked and with a very sexy voice. Science says these androids are both male and female and can do any of the sexual things a human can. Is this against the bible if you buy and use one of these or more androids?

I'm hearing strange noises in my head, like a war or orders are being yelled at me. I'm in a silent room.?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me. I posted a few minutes ago bug I had to add something that may help. I ship out for basic training in a few months. And I doing special forces. Could this have anything to do with it. Also while I'm typing this the phone in my hands seems like it is ver small and I am a giant haha it makes no sense but idk haha I am 18 and havnt been in a war like setting yet. I'm not high or drunk and have taken no medication. I'm beginning to think I'm just setting myself up for basic. Or my mind is wondering. I have watched some shows on the military today so idk if that helps at all. Any ideas or suggestions?

Who Wins in A Battle Everyone From the Attitude Era vs Everyone from PG Era?

Now I know some people from the Attitude Era are still in the business but let's pretend there teaming up with the Attiude Era vs The Rest of PG era(Led My Super Cena)...Who Wins?

How long will it take until I bond with my step-daughter?

It's a choice, an act of will. You will have to choose to bond with this child. It's easier with a biological child but it's still a choice of free will. Love, by the way, is also a proactive choice and one of free will. The issues you are attempting to address require some real time help from a professional counselor. The issues are complex and not easily addressed here.

I keep having this recurring dream but I don't know what it means?

I keep on having a recurring dream where I can fly but not properly, it's more like a really high jump, but when i'm in the air I sort of float slowly back down but it's really hard to control my movement in these dreams, also in these dreams I'm often running away from someone I can't see or trying to run to somewhere but I just can't get there. I have no idea why I have these dreams so any sort of explanations would be brilliant

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for Xbox 360 - how to get better at the game?

So I've been playing for a while on arcade and I feel like I'm pretty good. I've tried it on very hard and I got up to like the 4th battle. I recenty got Xbox Live and now that I'm playing against real people I suck so bad. :P I've done like 100 Xbox Live battles and I've literally only won 15 times. :( I was a 9th ranger then went down to fight then 9th ranger again and now I'm once again a fighter. They always pair me up with people I have no chance against though like 9th lords and judges or whatever. Also I've even fought the highest rank but I forgot what its called but I know cus its an unlocked achievement lol

What does my aries friend want?

i have an aries best guy friend,we are so close.he shows me likeness by being jealous and caring,and always he is asking for my care and attention! but after all of that he told me i like you as my sister!!!! i don't believe him. now i am getting away from him. is that right? what does he mean? help me

How to get rid of nightmares?

I am bad for having nightmares, I don't drink/eat before going to bed, and I usually don't sleep for extended periods of time, maybe 20 minutes to half an hour at best, but I still manage quite a bit of sleep occasionally, like on my nights off, since I work 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and yes, I used to have them before I started working nights. the nightmares are not recurring in any way, they are just random and come every night. I just laugh them off but they get annoying, since I always wake up with a migraine. Anyway long question short, how to stop nightmares

How do Jehovah's Witnesses work around the texts in Genesis 1:26-27 in the NWT Bible?

Its talking about Jehovah (God) and his son Jesus. Jesus was his first creation, so it only makes sense that he was with him when he created Adam and Eve. He created man in "their" image, and Jesus was created in God's image, so it makes sense that in verse 27 it says "his image."

Sorry it seems that my first question was not worded right --- I'm new at this --- what it is I have a gold?

and on one side is a Crusaders Cross with some symbols and on the other side is what looks like a crude likeness of a king --- I can match a symbol here and there from other coins i've looked at but not one coin has all the same symbols on it that mine has ---- anyone have any ideas ---- i have 3 pics on this web site of coin not very good pics but give idea of coin -- ( oh coin doesn't have the word doubloon on it ---- doubloon is what i thought it was -- thanks for all the answers i've received so far ---- pics on ----

Reacurring dream need help to find out what it may mean?

recently my baby brother died and we had an open coffin funeral ever since the funeral ive had this recurring dream that im in a forest in broad daylight with my nan mum ETC then suddenly everything goes dark i see my brother in his coffin then im running in darkness through the forest stumbling over i end up on the estate i grew up on but its different cause my family are all dead impaled to the walls dripping with blood than it ends and i wake up crying and sweating alot what could this mean??

Daughter says ceiling comes down and floor comes up when she is laying in bed, any ideas why?

When my four-year-old is laying in bed she says the floor feels like it is coming up and the ceiling is coming down. She does not do this other places. She also tells us that when we are standing by her bed that we look too far away, again not something she says other times. She has no other symptoms like dizziness or headache, and we have tested her vision by having her focus on things and read to us. We know she sometimes exaggerates but this one is recurring, so we are wondering what could be wrong. Anyone have any ideas?

How to start my book's opening sentence?

From my experience in trying to start something new, i find it usually best to go with inspiration, not what i think up as a starting line. Your style is unique to you as your fingerprints. Let yourself go to whatever sounds good and do editing later. Just write for a while. In this case it seems you have two opening lines. That is just my opinion. Either one states the books nature, and can be used independently. Maybe use the other phrase later in another chapter as an opener. Good luck, hope it helps, and i'll be looking for this on the shelves.

Unemployment Question?!?

So here is the story. I have an older sister who has been battling depression for a long time. I got a phone call to get the hospital back in Sept 2010 to get to the hospital ASAP that my sister hurt herself. I was out of the office on my lunch break. I immediately headed there. What was I suppose to do? I had an emergency. So while at the hospital I emailed my temp agency that I had a family emergency. The email failed to send because of a wrong email address so I forwarded the email to the company boss that the temp agency had me working for immediately that same day. So I thought all was well because they didn't call or email me back yelling. Well the next day I sent another email to DHL the company I was working for through the temp agency asking for a few days off because I was overwhelmed with what was going on & needed to be with family. That was 9/22 I sent the second email. Needless to say they called me back & fired me. So they told unemployment I had quit on 9/22 but I sent unemployment office both emails with the date, time, subject, & body of the email.What does everyone think? Will I have to keep fighting or will Unemployment see that I was fired unjustly & the company lied? I can't believe the company would lie like that to avoid paying me unemployment. I am just now filing too because I had no idea I could get unemployment for being fired. A friend actually told me to file! So that's why I am just now filing for it incase that makes a difference. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Is Christianity a mental disease? Believing in a fictional being to real?

It's like running around with a sword believing you are about to battle an ogre......only running around with a book to save yourself at the end of times....

Battle net beta op in wont work?

on my account i want to op in for the diablo 3 beta and when i do the system check thing it says there was a problem sending your system information to please check your internet connection and try again. help!

Anyone like anime, but dislike anime fans?

I like anime, but I do dislike the "OBSESSED ANIME FANS". I don't mind talking about anime, because I actually do animation in college (but I don't go hardcore into what my favorite anime character is, I just talk about the story and how the animation looks in general). I don't mind the whole what sub or dub voices people prefer to watch, as long as there is no bashing (once it hits that point it gets really annoying). And not all people who talk about anime are actually real otakus. There is like a serious definition of an american otaku vs. a japanese otaku. Some americans think it's another word for nerd, but in Japan it means much more than just a nerd.

My 2 year old has a recurring rash in the same exact spots every other day. ?

Some spots look like huge mosquito bites with white tops. on his cheeks, arms, ears and a little on his leg. Any ideas... My pediatrician is a quack looking for a new one as we speak. Thanks ahead of time :)

If the "Very Elect" can be Deceived By Satan...Who Will Be Saved? And How?

The key word is "can." Many will and many won't be deceived. To not be deceived, read the scriptures, pray, and attend the church you believe in.

Why didn't talor battle for Penn State get drafted?

and why didn't Jeff Brooks get drafted, half these players who did he's better than. I think I would make a perfect NBA scout..

Monday, July 18, 2011

God created man in his image, correct?

God created Adam and Eve in his image. This means they had the likeness of God. Adam and Eve both disobeyed God. Does this mean God is therefore disobedient himself?

Suggestions for my pokemon emerald team?

Charizard, used him on my ruby at level 100 and beat every elite four only using him, i didnt even have to use my raquaza, groudon, or the other water legendary :P

I thought that all fetuses started female, but I'm starting to question that fact which I learned in Biology.?

All fetuses start development as the same sex. At a later time period that I do not know specifically(and I wouldn't want to give u inaccurate information) the sex of the individual develops. An example of this is nipples in humans. Both sexes develop nipples but in males I believe 1 of the few genes on the Y chromosome inhibits further breast development. I encourage you to research the topic yourself further if you are really interested in it because nothing should ever be taken at face value, hope this helps!

I m a house wife and earned more than Rs 10000 as an int. i hav 2 pay income tax. how much?

I am a house wife and i have earned more than Rs10000 in a year as an interest. so do i have to pay the income tax. if yes how much. please suggest me some methods how to save my money and pay minimum tax. I do not have much money. and also i don't want to invest my money in post offices. is there any rebate if i deposit my money in recurring deposits? if yes than how much. please suggest me.

X-Men : First class Goof or Miss understanding ?

In the movie , the part where the battle of the ships of USSR and USA are fighting , when the soviet ship fires a missile on the cargo ship carrying 6 nuclear missiles , arent the missiles supposed to explode and after that a nuclear explosion should happen but nothing happens ... why ? is this a goof ?

Help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church became powerful. This is because after the fall of Rome, Western Europe had no established governments. During this period, the Church is the only thing that held Europe together. The time period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of established countries is called the "Middle Ages" because it is in the middle of these two time periods.

Runescape Membership?

Okay so i want to know a lil more about runescape membership before i get it. I want to pay with credit/debit but it says reccuring which i dont want... My question is can you purchase a member ship with your credit card and then cancel the recurring stuff but still have my 1 or 3 months? If so how?

Two recurring dreams that happen one after another?

I have lots of dreams. The strangest was a pyramid in my pillow would eat my face. Seriously. I think the grandfather one is just you wishing you knew him better. Dunno about your " guy friend". Thats just a random guess thow

Should i go back to my boyfriend?

No, you already wasted enough time with this loser. He's not going to stop treating you like crap and chances are he will start using drugs again. You should want better for yourself.

What is the difference between Amos and Hosea?

So Amos and Hosea shared likeness in message though their emphasise was on different sins. what was the difference?

What would you rate my essay, A, B,C etc.?

I would give it a B.I wrote my essays just like you and I always got a B. But the reason was that I didn't have enough parenthetical references.I think you could use some more of that and you could add a little bit more analysis to your individual paragraphs

Minor recurring knee pain? ?

It's the same for me! Apart from I'm 13 not 14. Anyway, I had fluid in my knee and injured it further while skiing. I had physio therapy for it and recently it's got worse again, but probably because I haven't done any of my excercises :L oh well, just go and get it checked out, especially if you are doing netball next season as it has a lot of strain on the knee from twisting and things.

Dragon Throne Battle Of Red Cliffs?

I just downloaded and successfully installed the game. The problem is with the CD -Check part.. It says no disk in drive when i run the game. As for additional info, I am using a netbook, so i don't have a CD-player.. and I've downloaded all the crack and patch in internet and none of it works.. so i'm looking for maybe a file in the installation folder that have to do with the cd- check thing so i can manually delete the file?? *PLEASE***

Who today are the Rulers of Darkness of This World in Eph 6:12 and are we voting them in office?

It is the illuminati, the reptilian race. The people we vote into office are just their puppets. Whoever we vote for the rulers of this world remain the same.

Will anyone give me a CD-KEY (original/purchased) for warcraft-III ?

I wanna play it online on but it says that ur cd-key is invalid. if someone arranges a purchased 1 cd-key for me, theN i will be gratful 2 hiM..

BF always stopping after work to get a drink?

My bf is always stopping to go get a drink or hang out with friends. I am nine months pregnant 36 weeks exactly. I feel as though he is constantly putting his friends first. Does anyone think this will change after the baby or am I fighting a losing battle..

Isa.57:2 He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, ..what is this mean?

Daughter, In these verses you see promises of peace and good will to the children of God and you see warnings of doom for those who use their mouths and fists against God's and His children.

Often have dreams that someone comes in to my home what does it mean?

Perhaps someone who you are on good terms with? Deceased Relative? Maybe its it symbolizes someone who you need to invite into your life ? or Someone thats trying to meet you ?

What does my aries friend want?

i have an aries best guy friend,we are so close.he shows me likeness by being jealous and caring,and always he is asking for my care and attention! but after all of that he told me i like you as my sister!!!! i don't believe him. now i am getting away from him. is that right? what does he mean? help me

What do you think of my yugioh deck?

This deck doesn't seem to have any coordination. I'd focus more on either the Dragunity part of it or the E-HEROs. That's just me. Also, if Trap Reclamation does what I think it does, then I'd switch it out for a Mask of Darkness. Mausoleum would hurt your life points and you don't have anything that can bring those lost life points back. Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird is a pretty useful card in that situation. Monster Reincarnation should be switched out for Monster Reborn since the prior only brings the card to your hand and you need to discard a card.

What do you do when your attorney dies?

My sister is in the middle of a custody battle. She was waiting to see if a decision had been made. She read in the obituaries today that her attorney died 2 days ago!! She has been trying to call his office to speak with his secretary but no one is answering. No other attorneys work in that office. Its a private practice with just himself and his one secretary. She called the court house and other attorneys but they all keep telling her they dont know what she needs to do. She has no way of knowing if a decision has been made or anything. Anyone had a similar situation? What does she do??? Thanks in advance!!

Recurring dream: I can't run fast enough?

U are feeling acute insecurity, fear of failure, depression, frustration and no way to decide for ur future. Just dreaming of the given circumstances

Man City and Man Utd to battle it out for Samir Nasri ??? 20 million ?

NO WAY is it going to be the downfall of the Gunners if Nasri is stupid enough to leave... Hopefully he'll stay, but if not, we can and will replace him.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Recurring dreams about babies?

I keep having dreams about babies for about the last year and would like to know what recurring dreams are, why they happen and what mine mean. Im only 15, so im definately not pregnant and i dont think about babies during the day either, so why do i keep seeing them in my dreams?

Don't know where my life is heading? I sense my depression returning!?

Decadence and promiscuity are on the increase and seem unstoppable, either extreme, drop out completely you could get lost in Dartmoor Forest for a long time. Take Cereal bars and tea making equipment. Or Get a part time job selling pornography.

What does it mean to have recurring dreams about being possessed?

I've been having the same nightmare every night for the last year and a half. They're all about me being possessed, then seeing static like on a TV, then seeing signs I have no idea about. I see Satan and demons and things like that, then I hear a language, I think Latin that I can't understand. Does anybody know what this could mean? I looked it up but never found anything that makes enough sense, but one website said that having dreams about being possessed represents a state of me being helpless and that I don't have control of things, which I guess could make sense, but I'd like to know if anybody else has any ideas. Thank you.

Why are ther 10 commandments?

Yeah, I know. Bible-god could have prohibited rape or freed the slaves. Instead, we get that graven image crap.

Diagnosed yesterday with genital herpes?

How's ur bf taking this? I think he may have lied to u. Unless he got it from birth or something, and he wouldnt b able to live that long w/it.

Copyright infringement?

I was wondering, is it illegal to sell things with people's likeness on them? Ex. Can I make a profit from selling mugs with a picture of Jonas Salk or a shaded in picture of Gandhi?

My husband and I want to have a baby, but...?

No way we can tell. How much do you _spend_ a year? If it's $59,000, then no you don't have enough savings.

YuGiOh Battle Positions question?

If I declare an attack with a monster, and its position is changed while remaining face up (Enemy Controller, Zero Gravity, etc) does the attack stop or does it continue to the Damage Step?

Do you need the same amount of yu gi oh cards to battle?

You need to have between 40 and 60 cards to make a Yu Gi Oh deck. The closer you get to 40, the more of a chance you'll get the card you need when you need it since the limit is 3 each on cards not on the limited list. Semi-limited is 2 and limited cards are just 1 each. So the fewer cards the better. I usually run 46 cards which is a good balance for me.

What is considered fair game for writing about in a novel?

So basically, I am planning on writing a novel this summer in which one protagonist idolizes Michael Jordan (and eventually makes it to the NBA), while the other looks up to Oprah and is able to fulfill her dream of becoming an Oprah-esque talk show host. Before I get too far in writing however, I am wondering as to what are the legal restrictions on writing about real entities (such as sports teams) and individuals (such as Jordan, Winfrey, and any other famous people). Can I have them utter quotations that they did not say in real life, and if so, what are the risks/limitations in doing so? Can I have them partake in actions-- even if unoffensive-- that may not partake in in real life. Could I get sued? Likewise, if I were to change names but still have them unequivocally speaking about said subject, could I get in trouble? Basically, my question concerns using likenesses in a fictional work. Ultimately, I want to write an entertaining and historically accurate novel, but I don't want to run into legal difficulties in the process. Oh by the way, I live in California, don't know if that matters at all...

What is difference between "LOVE and LIKENESS"?

Actually, few days before, a girl came in my home, and we just start talking each other and after two day we went for dinner because our family want to see us togather but i only want to love marriage not arrange marriage, and after that night, i told her that i love you and she just said that she didn't think like that. After a mouth i felt that she is my love. But she was so beautifl too. And now i am confused that she is my love or i just only like her, just anybody, can help me please?

Ok i bought the battle chest lich king and cataclysm im trying to install disc one of battle chest?

And it gets to like 70% then stops and says sorry instalation failed and it does it every time how to i get it to work i read manuel and all and i installed directx 9.0c and its still not working?

Are we really decendants from Apes and monkeys?

if we really evolve from Apes and monkeys, then why do apes and monkeys still exist? the other thing is, we are taught in islam that there is this kinda knowledge that won't affect the way or the fact that we exists, like that of the very begining of the universe, if Allah really wanted us to know, we would've been there and known exactly about every detail that happened, like how the clusters and the clouds of stars and galaxies, how they formed, another example is for that farmer that uses electricity, if u ask him, he doesnt know what is really going on, he doesnt know about the electric current going through a wire can create a magnetic field, he doesnt even know who discovered that Current usually flows through wires? but does that affects the way of how it is working? does that mean that he cant be benifited from it? it does exists, and no one can deny its existance cuz we see its signs when u turn on/ off the push button light switch, so is the likeness of your existance, you do exists, and you're enjoying the bounties and the gifts of God, every breathe you take, the body functioning, the facilities you have been given, like the ability to taste, see, hear, sense, walk, talk, etc. the intellects you have been given, which you're so-called ancestors of apes and monkeys lacks, you're given a mind to see the signs of the creator, and that mind, that intellect you're given is what seperates you from animal kingdom, and thus, you have this responsablility towards the creator and His creation, you have this responsablitiy to understand the message of truth, and the very reason of why we're here, and unlike animals you are not forced to worship God as they have chosen before their very creation, when Allah asked the heavens and earths and the creatures, to choose weather to be forced to worship Him or to be given a free-will temporary for their lifetime, and they said "we choose to be forced to worship You, O Allah, as we cannot be able to disobey you, we can't bear its conscequences", but mankind have choosen to have this free-will given By their Lord, to choose, and they said "we'll take it", so.. you may deny it if you want to, but this won't help stopping or avoiding the truth when it comes, think about it, Peace :]

Ready to give up on love?

Dating is hard, but don't give up. I understand the age thing, i'm 30 too and feeling the pressure of settling down. Maybe you should try meeting people different ways like a blind date or internet dating. Good luck. You seem like a genuinely nice guy.

Question for Christians?

Its not that you cant have pictures but worshipping them is wrong. Like wearing a cross or having pictures of Jesus ALL over church....well it's not WRONG but it kinda defeats the whole "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth." LOL great question.

God said: Let US make man in OUR image?

The creation story is based on a form of paganism, which could be a reason for the plural. But that is just something I remember... you'd need to go look it up.

Do you think my mirror poem is good?

I love the water-related imagery; for an overused metaphoric topic, you have presented it uniquely in this verse.

Where can I play an online version of Pokemon Emerald that I can alter?

Ok so one day i saw a youtube video of a walkthrough for Pokemon Fire Red/ Leaf Green Version. i watched just one episode of it and discovered it was a hacked play because the guy had Pokemon you couldnt get yet in the areas he was at (he caught a Nidoran male in route 2 right before he got into Pewter City which is impossible). When he battled Brock, the gym leader also had a lvl15 Tyranitar! I also saw at the end of the video (or in the comments cant remember which) he asked the viewers what pokemon he should catch at mt.moon and said he was thinking of getting larvitar! all this amazed me but i just closed the video without giving it much thought but now im thinking i would love to try that for Pokemon Emerald Version. only thing is i dont remember who the video i watched was by and cant find it and i dont know where to look for it. so im asking you lovely people if anybody knows where i can find an online version of Pokemon Emerald that i can change things such as the pokemon you can find in certain routes and gym leaders pokemon. im not really interested in changing the map layout or anything i just want to be able to, for example, catch a bagon in route 101 :D i also want to change up the gym leaders pokemon teams so they'll be harder to beat (your gonna want a challenge if you have salamence by the time you battle your dad :P) so thanks everybody who helps me out on this!!!!

The Day the LORD made know one believes this Day but believe the evil day that mankind think up why?

You fail at English, and your question is nonsensical. Is it even a question? Can a bunch biblical quotes truly be called a question?

Does this mean christianity is a polytheist religion?

It's clearly polytheistic, and Christians have to do some serious play with semantics to even try to say otherwise. The "Triune God" has to be somehow imagined as three who are one, though they interact with each other in the Bible, and as you mention, there's Satan, as well. In addition to eternals such as angels and demons. And among the Catholics, even more, as there are saints and the Virgin Mary who are worshiped... though again, they'll call it something else.

Metal Gear Solid 3 The Boss Final Battle Question?

This is an extremely specific question, but I can't find an answer to it anywhere. During the final battle with the Boss in MGS3, the Boss uses CQC on you. If she grabs you before can manage to counter her there is a way to counter her reguardless. Does anybody know how to do this? -Thank you

What does this recurring dream mean?

The answer lies right there. You are losing your friends, either you will move far away from them, or they will move far away from you! I'm sorry but, that's the only logic that I can see! -_-

I had a letter years ago from a wounded soldier to his commanding officer.?

The wounded soldier was a christian and the commanding officer was God. The soldier was requesting time off from the battle. Does anyone remember this and know where to find it?

Why do muslims kiss and worship a rock?

Simply because of the pre-islamic religion that was there prior to the rise of Islam. There was two other "holy stones", but, because it was not under the control of the Quraysh (Mo's tribe), they weren't added into their practice.

Keep getting false warrants taken out on me?

I'm in a custody battle with my babies father, and he keeps taking false warrants out on me. What can I do?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why do one get head spin?? when one gets it first time ,does it recur again and again?

I claim to be healthy and i workout everyday and diet. Just recently my work got heavy and in the evening , my head started spinning even though i am enjoying my work however hectic is it.I controlled myself not to faint.And i vowed that this would never happen again.But then , after 2 days , my head again started spinning...i drink juices and eat fruits everyday and my weight is normal..Nevertheless , i got 2 head spins...why is it happening?

How does church change someone?

I noticed most of my friends who are very devout christians are also, veryy.. Whats the word I'm looking for.. Inconsiderate, and arrogant. Now, Im not hating on anyone, but is this a recurring theme? Or just my friends? Really, no offense to anyone, because I believe strongly in christianity and all.

Hath you ever watched dew drips travel down spiders webbs.wouldn't guitar strings be made that way.?

driping down like unto A hersheys kiss tear drop style the bottom three strings would no longer be soley one solid string of steel instead ot may prove to work better than the coiled upper strings.just something i would ask just in case Diamond guitars & strings reads questions and Answers.for kiss industries they had to be black Diamond strings yet we all use our favorite brands.Yet to bring forth the spooky Hell razor horror movie ish style of Rock & Roll music new strings will be needed to be created and A new wizard of Oz tinman guitar doe broe style with rumpled steel tin skin and U;S pennies as the intensifiers with small ceramic washers between each penny and placed with in the guitars Tin roof likeness grooves .with most standard guitars the guitarist is the person to hear the instrament most because of the flat wood and the solo hole with in its center the sin waves must hath A frontal Exit more like unto A space ships slanted vents and as the pennies vibrate they intensify the sound waves with in yet the mandolin bowed skin is the option when we are creating something space age good enough for north west Arkansas bluse ,grass roots Rock music and the new scarey Hell raiser style with old fashioned iron lungs sound machines from medicines spooky very dark and little comprehended past of which would be perfect for Rock music smooching razor back hog fans of Arkansas state and other states of which hath rams and other hell raiser Animal persons shaped mascots and sports teams logos.banjo's had to earn the resonator and still be dished interior to sound clean and crisp as A new $ 20 dollar bill.the rippled tin would make a hollowish sound guitarist would pay big money to own.

Are there any experts on Symbols here?

Anyone know of an experts on symbols ? Any websites on symbols. I've been having a recurring dream about a symbol. Please point me to the right direciton.

I have been plagued with an invisible biting bug in my bed for 6 months now. How do I get rid of no see ums?

Since January, I have been battling bug bites while in bed. They're small, red, itchy bumps and we can never see the bugs! My fiance gets bit too but not nearly as much as I do. We thought they were fleas at first and have done everything we know to get rid of fleas. Bombs,sprays, powders, vacuuming, got the dog and cat on frontline. Yet, every time we take the dog go the vet or groomer they see no fleas. The exterminator when he came out, saw no sign of fleas or bed bugs. No sign of anything! HELP!We are at our wits end and I fear sleeping in my own bed because they feed on me at night. The only thing that has really helped is sleeping with Avon Skin So Soft on, they don't seem to bite as much when I'm covered in Skin So Soft.

Is it possible to team up with Prat and whitney air to build star fighers.?

True they are an Arkansas State based Air craft Company yet as I art fishing for Employment as an Technology Sergent via our Arkansas 188th Air National Gaurd we hath in state University sneaky and cunning Area 51 modes of thought nerds paying college tuition that may know how to contact my relitive whome tells my Dracula stories apon our U:S History Cable Telivision Channels. he hath conections with in the jet Engine industry and Boieng is one of them.the Japanese Fuel Rods with in the Nuke power Facilities shown apon network news broad cast could be used in futuristic Space Age Vulcan Jet Engines and Anti Gravity Star Fighter / Space Craft construction.helicopters ran into this weirdness flying over Volcanoes and science hath shown that we as Americans nor world powers hath not attempted to harness its power and strange G:E:O Volcanic likeness Energies = man made melt downs to cause the radiant Engergy and light seen apon our U:F:O Telivision Programing of yester year. The Fire out the tail is volcanic via its Nature and it will ba able to park over large townships and we know it will work out well because we here with in U:S Calender Year 2011 know we simply bounce the Telivision signal off of the Star not to far from this World and received it around year 2000 or so with in localized Cable Telivision programming .it todates calender correct Time and Date frames of Stealthish shaped Air Craft and the Vent doors opening apon Yester Years Video = U;F:O based viewings thus we also know that the Anti graviity wil also be up running and or Opperational.

I feel so alone . :"(?

i got past 7th grade with fake smiles and fake laughs . but i can't do it anymore . :( none of my friends talk to me outside of school , and everytime i open facebook i see all the ggod times there haveing with their friends . it literally makes me cry myself to sleep . my parents fight and my brother is going to college . my parents sometimes blame their fights on me . and it hurts alot , alot more than i give credit to . sometimes i don't even want to get out of bed . and i'm tired , really tired . i'm loseing this battle and i need help . i just need a help . :"( and no one seems to care .

How deeply do recruiters inquire into medical and criminal history for Army enlistment and also during service?

Recruiters want to enlist you if at all possible - They're not the enemy - Talk to a recruiter and they'll let you know if you can get in. It's best to be honest, they'll just "know" if you're trying to hide something, trust me.

Question about Idols and the Bible.?

No, no no! Idol is like something that you put as your first importance. or something you put in front of God like money, women, family even, but yes it is also like Buddah or the other false gods. You can even worship people without knowing it. I think that having a picture of jesus on the cross is okay because it is him and you arn;t putting it in fron of him.. unless its like a solid gold cross that you flaut around to your friends... make sense?

How do I sell a account?

So im getting tired of the hobby of gaming so I'm looking to sell my BNET account. I have several games. Diablo 2 and the expansion, WC3 and its expansion, SC1 and its expansion. SC2, WoW with all expansions a level 81 DK and a 67 mage. Can anyone tell me how to make a legitimate transaction that is secure and me and the other party can trust eachother?

Should I choose my family or my husband?

I have been living with my mother for a little over a week now after I took my daughter and left my husband and my house. We have been married two years and our daughter is two years old. I left because I was being psychologically abused and the day I left we were on an argument and he pulled out a knife on me. He did not use it and it was just for a second but he did kick me and push me. My mother has never really liked him due to stuff that has happened over the time we have been together, she did not want us to get married. He had been keeping me from spending time with my family and being very controlling of me and he would get mad if I tried to do anything by myself. He has been talking to me and saying he realized there are more important thing to him than money or his car or motorcycle, he said he would give all that up just so he can have his family back. He says he loves me and I have always believed he does love me and care about me. He says he has been going to church, reading the bible, stop smoking and cussing; he says he needs me and tells me all the good stuff we have done together and doesn't want to loose me. But I don't know what to do, I love him and miss him and when he comes to see me I try not to show it. I do want to go back with him I don't know if it's the right thing to do. Its hard for me to talk to my mom about my feelings, we have never had that kind of relationship but I am very thankful of her for helping me always through hard times and I love her. My mom saw me crying tonight after I had talked to my husband and she asked me what was going on, and I did not want to tell her at first but I said I did not know what I wanted to do. She told me to follow my instinct but if I went back with him that it was going to be the same and she wasn't going to see me again since she will not be going to my house and she is sure that he will not let me come to see her. So I am very sad I do not know what to do, I miss my husband and I really don't want to go through custody battle and all that court and legal stuff but I also do not want to loose my family if I decide to go back to him. I need some advice. Thank you.

"The Condemned" and "The Hunger Games" Likeness?

I was just wondering if i was the only person who saw a likeness between these. I mean there are obvious differences in the storylines but I meant the being placed in an arena and being forced to fight to death with one winner. And a few other likenesses

Recurring dream about skipping college classes and failing?

You are studying for your parents sake, not for your benefit. this attitude will develop guilt feeling and ego deflation. deflated ego always simulates such dreams.

Star Wars Battleship Type electronic Game?

My brother and I found a Star Wars game in our garage that used to belong to our uncle. It's electronic, and we finally got the batteries in it, but all it's doing is light up. We want to start playing it, but there were no instructions in the box. All it has are all the pieces. The game is called "Star Wars Galactic Battle" and if anyone could help us to start it so we can have the audio and all that, I'd be really grateful. It's an old game, but it didn't have batteries in it before we found it. Thank you if you can help!

Bullied in the past, not sure how to let it go?

It is difficult to overcome the harsh experiences some of us had growing up. But I have found that dwelling on it isn't healthy, and yeah you can sometimes lash out at others if you feel "threatened" like you were growing up. But really few bullies of that nature in our adult phase, so easier to deal with. If it really bothers you a therapist might be the answer. Or you can try walking or running to get your mind of the issue, as it will increase your hormonal releases and make you feel better naturally- put you in a better mood. Difficult experiences in the past haunt us occasionally, and that is just a fact. the key is to realize they are in the past, can't be changed, but are of no relevance today or tomorrow. Good luck.

This hurts me a lot because i been hiding how i feel for years about this girl?

She is my bestfriends sister I like her a lot but she is younger than. I been hiding this since i was little but now i grew more feelings for her. I know that i can't like my bestfriends sister but it feels as a dagger going into my heart because i havent told anyone how i actually feel for her. I dont want to ruin my friendship because it means more i dont like going over there because of her because i think more about her and question myself. I know she likes me too but i cant were both holding the likeness back as i can tell. I never intented on telling her how i feel and i dont think she will either but we both know by the passion we give each other. I know my bestfriend and her father would never approve of this. What should i do?

How to beat a hacked overpowerd pokemon?

My friend has a hacked rayquaza and mewtwo. He beats me all of the time but the only reason i lose is because i kill his other pokemon then i get weaked by his overpowered mewtwo and then his overpowerd rayquaza finishes me off. He calls this stratigy. I dont know what to do. I try using moves like double team but his pokemon are too good. We both have all level 100s but his are hacked. Also he says if i use mewtwo or rayquaza he will battle me again. How do i kick his a## or should i do it in real life?

Dragon Throne Battle Of Red Cliffs?

I just downloaded and successfully installed the game. The problem is with the CD -Check part.. It says no disk in drive when i run the game. As for additional info, I am using a netbook, so i don't have a CD-player.. and I've downloaded all the crack and patch in internet and none of it works.. so i'm looking for maybe a file in the installation folder that have to do with the cd- check thing so i can manually delete the file?? *PLEASE***

I'm hearing strange noises in my head, like a war or orders are being yelled at me. I'm in a silent room.?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me. I posted a few minutes ago bug I had to add something that may help. I ship out for basic training in a few months. And I doing special forces. Could this have anything to do with it. Also while I'm typing this the phone in my hands seems like it is ver small and I am a giant haha it makes no sense but idk haha

Original Ideas! Yu-Gi-Oh/Bakugan?

I'm just curious it isn't for anything I just want to see what people come up with. Anyone have an idea for a game (doesn't have to be card) like Yu-Gi-Oh or Bakugan Battle Brawlers, the sense of battling someone with huge beasts or something, that'd be great. Thanks :)

I'm hearing strange noises in my head, like a war or orders are being yelled at me. I'm in a silent room.?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me. I posted a few minutes ago bug I had to add something that may help. I ship out for basic training in a few months. And I doing special forces. Could this have anything to do with it. Also while I'm typing this the phone in my hands seems like it is ver small and I am a giant haha it makes no sense but idk haha I am 18 and havnt been in a war like setting yet. I'm not high or drunk and have taken no medication. I'm beginning to think I'm just setting myself up for basic. Or my mind is wondering. I have watched some shows on the military today so idk if that helps at all. Any ideas or suggestions?

Pokemon 5th gen training & team advice help!!!?

Sorry I cant answer your whole question because i don't wifi battle or pay attention to tiers. For the dual types part it depends on there weaknesses. If u have a whiscash (water/ground) and sandslash(ground) they are both weak to grass. However if u had a Pidgeot(Normal/flying) and a snorlax(normal) it would be ok because pidgeot loses its fighting weakness. HOPE I HELPED=P

Hiv and aids question?

I have been with the same partner for almost 6 years and he hadn't had any other relations with anybody else and neither have i. But probably 7-8 years ago when i was much younger i slept with a few guys unprotected now i am worried i have aids. I have no symptoms other then i have recurring yeast infections. I mad an appointment with my gynocologist to go over these concerns but my boyfriend donated plasma after we have already been sleeping together and having sexual relation if i was infected would i have already infected him if we were having unprotected sex for 1-2 years and also would they have notified him if he had HIV? Another question if i had aids would i be having other symptoms besides recurring yeast infections after 7-8 years? I rarely get sick and i am of a healthy weight and i have a very healthy any advice would be appreciated i am just freaking out thar i may have aids.

Spiritually Spiritualizing, are relationships influenced by blood-ties?

It depends on the individuals and their circumstances that you elude to. Every relationship is different. In general there probably is quite a bit of influence by blood-ties but it's nowhere near universal.

Catholics: Would the Vatican produce a statue of the late pope to worship?

Now that the pope john paul II is beatified., would the Vatican produce a statue or a likeness of the pope so faithful Catholics to venerate and pray to intercede? Your opinion will be greatly appreciated.

4 week old Rat with megacolon =[?

I don't know much about rats, but if it were my guinea pig, i would bring him to the vet and find out whats going on.

Stomach pain and diarrhea in pregnancy?

I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I've been having recurring cramps and loose stool about 4 times daily. I've been nauseous and throwing up infrequently. Should I be worried? Thanks very much for your help.

Could someone attempt to analyze these recurring dreams?

You must be trapped or suffocated by something in real life. You feel helpless and are struggling and no ones there to help you or understands. I had dreams like this too. I had someone read them for me and they said this.

Depression that never seems to end.?

I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I am not exaggerating when I say that I feel sad almost every hour of everyday. I have lost all my inspiration. It makes me sad because I use to know myself so well, but now I am not even sure who I really am anymore. I feel lost, and constantly my mind is running thoughts and memories, It is like I cant control it anymore. Its overwhelming and controls my everyday life. My sleeping schedule is changes, but not frequently. Because of my depression, I feel as if I can't sleep...I stay awake until what seriously feels as if I am passing out. It is very painful for me since my sciatic nerve is messed up, so it tends to act up more at night, as well as my restless leg syndrome and asthma. I work full time so it makes working a drag. The past 3 months/recently I believe I cry about 4 times a week waking up, at work and before bed. I thought that it might be from my ovarian cyst but I have had them for almost 6 years and have never dealt with depression as bad as this. Since I was a child, I have dealt with depression, but have never been diagnosed due to money issues. I do believe that the depression in my past had a lot to do with the environment I grew up in and the constant everyday battles I faced with dealing with my parents who where drug users, argued everyday and neglected me at least until the age of 13 when my parents made more money(my happiness was "bought") I also used to cut myself. I fought myself so many times to try and ignore the thoughts. When I tell my parents about this, they don't seem to take me seriously. My mother puts her friends before me, and my father is extremely obsessed with my mothers absences and how it effects his life, to the point to where my problems don't exist at all. I am 19 years old...I still live in this house and giving money to my parents is hard to do, especially trying to improve and take care of myself as well. Everyday I suffer because of my emotions. I feel so miserable and almost so much so to a point of insanity. I am scared because I started to notice that I talk to myself out loud and really don't notice it until I kinda catch myself I guess. Throughout the day I feel the urge to cry several times, but mostly I end up reaching a point of what feels like major anxiety. I can feel my chest tighten, and this horrible butterfly in my stomach sensation...but not the good kind. I get really dizzy and I get migraines at least a couple times a day. I am also very insecure because of all of this. When someone looks at me on the street I tend to think they are looking at me because there is something wrong about my appearance, not that they are "checking me out." And last year, two people I got very close too betrayed me and hurt me so badly that it has now caused me some serious social anxiety outside of work. I shake a lot and it almost takes anything negative to set me off emotionally... I can't let things go....when I am upset I stay that way over the issue for a very long the point of constantly beating myself up mentally...of how stupid I am or pathetic. And when I cry, sometimes I cant stop... and at times causes me to have panic attacks. I cant be around people to long other wise I feel I need to be alone. The thoughts in my head wont shut up....and I cant handle it...I get to high levels of stress over this, to where I throw almost a child-like tantrum, but only in private. And even when I experience laughter and smile I still feel sadness within me...its like it is eating at my insides. It makes me feel sick and want to throw up. Also I do believe this is caused, not only from home life and personal, self loafing issues, but from my complicated love life. I met someone who I am now still involved with on and off romantically about 4 years ago. He lives about 8 hours from me though. He changed my life for the better at first but over time became verbally abusive. He tells me I am pathetic and stupid and a *****, etc. when he gets mad at me and tells me how everything is my fault, but then other times he is the sweetest guy in the world and very loving. I tried moving on once, went on a date with a friend...we ended up kissing once. I told him about it recently and he called me a cheater and that I should feel ashamed (even though we are not together now and weren't when I went on that date). Ever since I have felt incredibly guilty and more depressed then before. I think about ending it all sometimes. I feel worthless. And it makes me incredibly tense..I can't even clean my the point of getting carpet beetles (I look like a hoarder)...I panic when people go in my room because my room is like a window to my soul, metaphorically. I don't like people seeing my pain. I have so much potential to be someone in this world...but I always feel it will never end. Please, what should I do? Help me?

I am a 47 year old female with diabetes type 2. I have recurring constipation frequently and have to take me?

I have to take metamucil daily. It becomes severe with abdominal pain and nausea at times. As a young child I was allergic to milk and thought I'd outgrown it but my dr. wants me to stop all dairy products for 2 weeks to see if I am lactose intolerant. This has been going on for over 2 years. Do you have any ideas?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Does the statue of Jesus in the Lutheran church I went to fit this definition?

Was it a likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth? It looked a whole lot like it was supposed to be Jesus, but that would go against the second part of Exodus 20:4, and as I recall that part of the Bible holds some type of importance in Christianity... to the point some of them want it put up on the courthouse wall.

Can anyone please explain these epic bible contradictions?

The bible was written by multiple people at different times. As such, they had conflicting views and contradictions arose.

How Do You Hack Pokemon Online Servers?

How Do You Hack Pokemon Servers Like battle Servers , Here's An Ah Link For The Ex:

Why don't christians read and obey the ten commandments for example ?

God also said "thou shall not kill." but he should have emphasized that it is okay to kill women, children, and infants if they are non believers since he had ordered for these attrocities to be committed in the old testament. Remember dont kill, steal, rape, or do anything bad unless God tells you so because if he does then it's okay.

Can a Copyright Owner Of "Name/Image" Be Sued When , When Others Are Allowed To Use It?

If a copyright holder such a EPE allows family members to use the Likeness of their Copyright. Then the Family Uses the Likeness for slander in websites can the Owner of the Copyright be held liable?

Is it true that the late Tiny Tim is the bastard child of Prince Philip's Loins?

Prince Philip was a randy young man. I've heard tell that he sired a very unattractive offspring bearing the likeness of the woman he "charmed." Is this true? Do tell!

Further Honda CR-V brake problems?

All four wheels off the ground, have one person apply the brakes while another tries to move each wheel. If the proportioning valve has shuttled to one side you will have unbalanced braking. This will become evident with this test. If you are only replacing the rear brakes and the fronts are fine with little or no wear this might be part of your problem. A pressure Gauge put at each wheel will tell if the same pressure is being applied. Pistons binding in the bore and bad square cut seals or improperly installed bore seals can also cause this problem. Caliper slides that are binding will cause irregular wear, usually to one pad more than both. Improper brake pad application can also cause this problem. Hope this is of some help.

Vivid dream about something wierd?

Hello everyone :) okay, so this year, i have been having really wierd dreams. In the past, I usually dream but i don't usually remember them. I usually only have one dream a night. But this year, every night, my dreams have been so vivid. Also, i dream a series of dreams every night, which never happened to me before. But last night, my first dream was my usual recurring dream of waking up and getting ready for school, always rushing trying not to miss the bus. Then All of a sudden, i'm at school, doing work, going to ALL my classes, and i actually had to think, cuz i actually thought that i was taking a chemistry test. After school got out, i found myself walking ON a railroad. (I live near a railroad by the river, but my they don't cross paths.) there were leaves all over the tracks wich got stuck to my shoes. When i got home, I ran upstairs, to go put all my books away. When i came down stairs, i found four leaves on the stairs, i picked them up and threw them outside. Then All of a sudden i was at McDonalds with my friends. I ordered a McChicken haha. But whe i was eating it, i pulled out metal springs and steel bolts out of my sandwich. Then I see a blonde guy (my age...17) looking over at me. He had A HUGE red heart shaped box. He gave it to me, and a love letter. It was a letter that confessed his feelings for me since third grade. It was a super long letter, front and back. I have never seen him in my life before. But anyways, this was a REALLY long description, sorry :( i wanted to put more things in, but i dont want to bore you guys. But i really want to know what this means, any help would be nice, thanks! <3

Atheists how do you explain Earth?

All you've proved is that some clown named Harry got drunk one night and wrote this CrAZy story about God and the beginning of time and stuff, and people liked it so much that they asked him to write more and more. And when he died, other people took over. Then, even when it was "done", other people kept writing.

Did Jesus really empty himself of God when coming to earth?

The Son had to empty himself of everything that he was while being “in God’s form.” Before coming to earth, Jesus had a favored position in the heavens alongside his Father. Like his Father, Jesus was a spirit while in heaven, enjoying a spiritual glory. In order to come to the earth he had to empty himself of his spiritual glory or heavenly life that he shared with his Father and take on the form of a slave, to be in the likeness of men”. (John 1:14; Gal. 4:4; Phil. 2:7, NW)

How is my Pokemon team?

Replace Fire spin with Thunder Punch And I would Replace Confuse ray with Wish on Umbreon if it has Sp.Defense Ev's But other than that nice team.

Recurring romantic dream?

Almost every week i have the same dream. It goes like this: my and my crush are walking somewhere ( dont know where) and he kisses me on the cheek. then we turn to face each other and start hugging each other and kissing and stuff. And then its so weird cuz it feels so real. his lips are always warm haha. Why does it keep on recurring??

Who do you think is more damaged by this time due to battles, floyd or manny? how would that impact the fight?

be it because of the battles both fighters have been through or the age, i think both are no longer in their prime best. both are past 30 and pretty sure, they have already lost a step or two but who will have the bigger advantage leading up to the possible fight because of these factors? do you think manny has taken too much? do you think floyd's inactivity matters or will it actually give him a huge advantage as he will come in fresh? man i got so many questions but all can only be answered once thse two greatest fighters of our generation finally end up in the ring,, thanks and you all have a great day!

Help! I need ideas for a theme for my art project!?

I dunno... You could tie in sea life shapes eg . Curves in sand, seaweed etc with femininity. When I did my high school art project I got in a lot of trouble for not going fully with the design brief given. The teacher eventually gave up and let me do my own thing and I got an A! So my point is, I would focus on femininity and soft forms in relation to the ocean and ocean life. Hope this helps xxx

What game should i get Skyrim, Mw3, Battlefield 3, or Dead island, gears of war or the new assassin creed?

OK i really want Skyrim and i just got up to 60 dollars to reserve it but now i am having second thoughts about it and Mw3 looks like its going to be the game ever one is going to be playing because ever one plays Mw2 and black opsi think if i get Skyrim and after a couple of weeks of playing it i will get bored of it but i have seen demos this game looks really fun. and mw3 look really good new stuff but it looks like an upgrade just to mw2 and battle field looks like its going to be an awesome game and i think it is going to be game ever one is playing to and i don't know if i get mw3 my friends will be playing battle field 3, and dead island i have been waiting like 2 years for, and assassin creed i really want to know what happens to the main character and battle field 3 looks like its going to be a awesome game please help?

Why does biblical commentator John Gill reference "Papist" as idolators?

"Papist" was what the Reformers called Roman Catholics since they tended to follow the Pope over and above Scripture. They called them idolaters because some of their practices, like praying to saints or venerating Mary or the Pope, are idolatrous.

Why is so much time on the internet used up by CONSTANT battling to make it work?

I've no idea what your computer problems might be, don't worry about it though, I don't know why loads of other people keep getting computer problems either. My computers work just as they are supposed to.

Why do Christians keep attacking people who has doubts?

I will give you the BEST answer I can possibly give you. I will NOT however give you the ANSWER as I nor anyone else has it... Watch ZEIGIEST both of the Movies... you will then have a ground base for you beliefs, arguments etc... then go back and RESEARCH all the name, their history their accounts, see if the aforementioned are VALID. You can find the movie on Youtube...

06 VW Jetta: Front driver side window was stuck down. Call dealership?

The dealership won't take blame for the window first of all. And it sounds like your window my just be sticking. You could always lube the track and hope it doesn't happen again. My window in my truck has done that since i bought it in 2003 and still does it now and then. I spray the track with grease and it works great for another couple years.

Christians: Since god is human-like...?

what about if a smart christian like myself reads the same verse from the bible and spiritually understands that God its a supernatural being who created humans in the image he imagined in his mind and not as its self. Of course someone who does not believe in God and has no spiritual insight will not have the knowledgeable ability to understand Gods words in a spiritual way, which is whats your message, lack of understanding in a spiritual point of view and how creation was meant to be and it still is.

Keep Dreaming About This Boy...?

Basically, around three months ago, a boy a few years older than me, who I had been talking to frequently for about a week, began to show an unwanted romantic interest in me. He showed 'stalker' behavior: pestering my friends for information on me, hunting around for me and calling me constantly. I made it quite clear that I wasn't interested but he still persisted. This led to me having a lot of anxieties. I have serious depression and anorexia and I find it hard to deal with social situations and being close to other people. Since this has happened, this boy seems to be appearing in my dreams constantly. He usually appears in a romantic sense. I have had dreams where I have slept with him or he has been around me in such a way. I definitely do not like him, so I'm confused as to why I seem to be attracted to him in my dreams as that does not reflect my true emotions. What is my subconscious trying to tell me and why does he keep recurring in my dreams? Thanks.

Have we been sow in the House of G-D?

This is a complex question. And maybe this is not an answer to your question but I do know that there is a reptilian race here which controls the world and hides. As to why this is I do not know, nor do I know where they came from.

Catholics why the image Worship?

If one WORSHIPS an Idol then one believes that IDOL can do what GOD can do. Catholics don't worship images or idols, they honor GOD, because they believe he is the only GOD, The pray to Mary and the saints to INTERCEDE for them like a child going to a mother if they are afraid the father won't grant their request. Even though I am not a Catholic, I do understand and see this to be the truth.

What is up with this odd rash?

Have you recently purchased new pants, jeans? New laundry detergent? New body wash? New sheets/blankets on the bed?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Any good bagpipe groups that inspire my thoughts of old soldiers?

I very much enjoy bagpipe music from the "Royal Scots Dragoon Guards", but is wondering if there are other bands/groups that have a similar theme. I very much like battle music or music that inspires the imagery of lost soldiers or soldiers that have fought together in past battles, etc.

Males: Have you ever had any white fluid with urine straight after masturbation?

That is fine, it's jst a build up of ejaculate fluid and sperm. Very normal for your age, only need to worry if it's bloody or smelly. Happy wanking, it's good for you!

Red rings on palm are probably eczema, but could they be anything else (besides ringworm)?

note: I don't have access to a dermatologist. For the past several years I've gotten recurring red rings on the skin of my left palm, and only my left palm. They start as small raised red rings and slowly grow larger, the ring "breaking" apart and becoming lopsided or incomplete, and then fading. They're not dry, but they're slightly itchy and tend to be sensitive to heat or pressure. I don't think it's ringworm because it's never appeared on any other part of my body and I've had it no matter where I lived/what daily routine I had. I don't go to gyms or share exercise equipment. I assume it's just eczema, and might be related to a food allergy (I had severe food allergies and eczema as a little kid), but it seems strange that it only shows up on the palm of my left hand. I was wondering if anyone had similar eczema symptoms. When I look up photos of eczema, my spots don't look anywhere near as severe. Also, eczema seems to usually be solid circles, not rings. So I'm kind of puzzled.

Is this anything to be concerned about?

I would suggest couple counseling to get to root of why she lives in this child-like world before tying the knot. There could be more serious underlying issues that you would need to know.

My girlfriend says she gets cold sores fairly frequently. Should I be worried about catching herpes?

She says she's had them her entire life and her parents get them too. Should I be worried about catching genital herpes when we have oral sex? She said she's been tested for STD's and it came back clean. However I'm worried that if she gives me oral I might catch recurring genital herpes which would be terrible. Is this a real danger?

(Please Help!)How can I get rid of this irrational fear/worrying that my parents will get killed?

Look, if everything you're saying is true, you've got some major issues. I realize you would like for there to be some quick-fix answer but it sounds like you've got some big things to deal with. The short answer is "quit worrying, they'll likely be fine". The long answer is you may need therapy, medication, a drastic change in diet, religion etc...there are plenty of people whose parents have dangerous occupations and/or are depressed but they are not obsessesed in the way that you are, so you need to figure out why YOU feel this way in order to stop. It's also possible that your fear could have nothing to do with fear (i.e. if you were ever raped, molested, beaten etc. excess fear could be your subconcious way of hiding from what the real issue is). Lastly, although I'm not religious I do believe in God, and I believe that when you pray hard amazing things can happen. Pray for happiness or contentness or a solution to your bad situation etc and REALLY BELIEVE that help can come your way and you may be amazed at the results you get. Whatever you end up doing, I wish you well and I hope you get to a better place.

How long does it typically take to show symptoms of aids?

I had unprotected sex with a few people 7-8 years ago and i have recurring yeast infections. Do i have aids or would i be showing more symptoms by now? I am going to my gynocologist next week and get tested i am so scared though. I don't want aids. I am petrified. Everyone keeps telling me that people have HIV or aids for 10-15 years without any symptoms so now I' m sure i have it. I can't believe i was ever that irresponsible i have been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years and IM affraid if i have it and gave it to him he will leave me

What do my recurring dreams about pregnancy mean?

I had a dream that I was pregnant, driving my husband to a bachelor party... We stopped to visit a family member and I remember sitting at a table. When I looked down I vividly remember seeing my belly and I was wearing this off white maternity sweater that I own. I also remember getting up and getting myself and my sister a glass of water and the dream... I am not currently pregnant but this dream was so vivid, I can't help but wonder what it means... I've been dreaming a lot about pregnancy ( recently I had a dream that I delivered a fat baby boy by myself, which was also very vivid, in addition to having another dream that I was pregnant in.. This was all in the last week or two). Anyone have any ideas???

If the Bible is inerrant then how come Genesis 1:20-26 and Genesis 2:18-19 flatly contradict each other?

Where is the contradiction? God commanded every living creature to come from the Earth and God formed every living creature from the earth. Again, where is the contradiction?

(Please Help!)How can I get rid of this irrational fear/worrying that my parents will get killed?

You just really need to talk to your dad. So what if he thinks your crazy if you have a broken arm you get it treated. Same goes for a broken mind.

What's wrong with me? Weird itchy body rash, swollen lymph nodes.?

Have you been checked out for diabetes as what you describe is common sign of diabetes except for the bruising. Good Luck

Is there a difference in mans breath and the spirit breath in us?

There is no such things as spirit breath. breath is a gaseous aspiration from a living thing, that can be measured , as it manifests in material reality. spirits do not

Strange Google search in history?

Occasionally when I look in my history in Safari a recurring search is present at the top of the list even though I haven't searched it for a while. It reads "Vinay Kolhatkar - Google Search. This is someone's name who I Google searched a couple of months ago but it keeps appearing there. Does anyone know why?

Man was formed on the 6th day of the wk? Is man a beast?

I think you put this in the wrong category. This has no business in a science category, and in my opinion, you're intentionally trying to offend people by putting it here. Maybe you should try "Religious Fanaticism."

Why can people tell that I am an atheist without me telling them?

This is a recurring thing in which I will meet someone and get to know them, without talking about religious views at all until the moment that I say I am an atheist they will say they knew it already. Once at a health science camp I was talking with a couple of roommates about religion and my RA said that out of everybody in the room he would pin me first as the atheist. Is there a certain type of mentality or mindset that causes people to be able to tell? Does this happen in your experience?

Was Baseball really invented in England? (You can see a family likeness with Cricket.)?

Cricket and baseball are closely related, this is already established. It is generally assumed, as far as I know, that baseball descended from cricket. Early Americans did play cricket, but after independence, they wanted to do away with all things English. That's why they came up with their own language and sports.

In the recent battle star galactica how many times is the word frack used?

Hi my friend said he would pay me 500$ if i knew how many times the word frack was used in the recent battle star galactica can anyone tell me? (Throughout all 4 seasons)

What does this recurring dream mean?

For the past few months, I've been having dreams where situations prompt me to dial 911. Each time I call, I'm put on hold, for the remainder of the emergency situation or problem. Often times, I"m hung up on. I guess it shouldn't bother me, but it gets me incredibly anxious in dream. Does this mean anything in particular?

I need a knives expert!!!?

i'm planing on purchasing a knife. i am an unofficial "weapons expert", enough to know there is a big difference between a war/battle worthy blade like a sword, and a tool/gardening blade like a machete. but i don't really know that much out of knifes, so i need a knives expert to suggest me a good knife for self defense, a good brand and model (not too pricey if possible). if it's not too much to ask, plz leave multiple models and suggestions. thank you.

Help, I'm having a strange recurring dream?

This dream may mean there is someone in your life that you haven't paid attention to or you haven't cared much about him/her. Then, She/He will show up out in a place you wouldn't expect him/her to be in. She will then get his/her revenge for you never taking notice to him/her.

Help with battle in Final Episode-Kingdom Hearts BBS?

I'm kinda stuck in the final episode and cant even get pass Terranort (Terra+Xehanort). The sad part is that im only a level 29 because i didn't know all my data from the main file was gonna be transferred over otherwise i would've trained more. Anyways, i would like if you guys could give me as much advice as possible in how to defeat him. I would also greatly appreciate if you guys can give me the names of some useful commands to use and which ingredients are needed in order to obtain them. PLEASE HELP ME....I'm getting tired of dying so much XD. Useful links would be appreciated.

Please answer Honestly i really need honest answers right now! 10 PTS!!?

i am seriously flirting with this chick that has a bf in my college, the thing is it is very obvious she loves my company i make her laugh and i listen to her she shares intimate stuff with me to show how close we are. the choice now is that being a nice guy i am torn between stealing her from him cause i fell like i am ruining a couple or something plus they've been together for over a year. BUT we are so compatible like we just flow, there is no effort to impress the other is like this natural likeness is just there, and its making me really want her more so what do i do? HONEST ANSWERS WITH GOOD REASONS BEHIND THEM! 10 POINTS!!!.

What's with the recurring theme in the bible of people being punished for other people's "sins"?

Sin is the breaking of the law.(read 5 1st book of bible)this law can be summarised :love god with all ur heart soul and mind.and love ur for me i can't do i take the way given by god.he sends his son to love in my place.and pays my dept for my breaking the law and not am at peace with god with no sin in the i am a son to god.the only thing he can do is punish me to set me straight for a little while.the devil has no power over me.come 2 god my father u will find rest.

Interview coming up - how do I handle recurring medical appointment?

discussing during the interview is like putting the cart before the horse, unless an offer is extended during the interview. Interview time should be spent talking about the position as well as what makes you the most qualified person for it. If they make an offer, discuss the medical appointments during the negotiation process.

Recurring nightmare from when I was a kid...?

Seems to me like something was in your life that you wanted to run away from or something that you wanted to depart from your presence but ended up sticking around longer due to matters beyond your control. The person sitting across from you is intriguing though... do you ever attempt to communicate with this person or do you really even acknowledge their presence? It could either be someone that you would like to help out by getting them away as well, or it could be the one person you want to rescue you but instead they just sit there. You don't have this dream anymore, do you? Just try to think back to when you last remember having the dream; about what age you were and what was going on in your life at the time, and go from there. Then again, I'm just speculating.

When Moses parted the Red Sea?

and drowned the Pharaoh's army, all the battle gear like swords, shields, armor, horseshoes etc. would have gone to the bottom. Shouldn't those items still be there?

So So team to use for MLB 2k11?

I like to have to battle to make it to the post season, I don't want to blow every one out like with the Yankees or Giants. And I don't want to have no chance like with the Brewers or the D backs (no offense to these teams)

I feel like I have nothing to live for?

For the last few years, I have had a recurring feeling of emptiness inside, and it only really started getting bad in the last few months. I used to have severe anxiety issues, and it still affects me now and then. I feel constantly insecure and self conscious, and I find myself working myself into a bad mood over the smallest of issues, and I would be fine, almost happy with who I am one minute, and then I would be flung into a mindset of self doubt and insecurity. I'm fifteen now, and my summer vacation has just begun, but I don't feel any of the initial relief and happiness that I used to, as I am running into a big exam year next year and I am starting to worry. I always seem to have a pretty pessimistic mind frame, I'm unpopular at school and things are often a little edgy with those who call themselves my friends. I want to meet new people, and make new friends, but I can't seem to overcome my low esteem enough, people usually get the impression I'm weird because I don't speak much around those I don't know. I feel like I can't enjoy anything any more, not even music, which was the only thing keeping me here when things were particularly bad. I sometimes find myself thinking suicidal thoughts. It just seems so much easier than having to go through the next few years like this. I have nothing to look forward to or live for. I have no faith and I'm feeling pretty reckless, like nothing even matters anymore so I might as well do it anyway. I don't know what is wrong with me, could anyone help me, in maybe helping me dealing with this, or simply how to enjoy my summer while I can? Thank you.

Can the number presentation like 0.2012345678....... be said to be non-recurring and non-terminating?

The "...." at the end of your number means it's non-terminating and non-recurring. Such numbers are called irrational numbers. eg.: sqrt.2, sqrt3, pi, etc. It is more convenient to express an irrational number as one derived from a division or as a square root.

Are bed knobs at the top of a bedposts scary to anyone else?

When I was a boy from about age 3 to 8.I was frightened of my bedpost knob because it looked like it had a cycloptic eye reflected from my nightlight.I used to have nightmares that it would float off its bedpost and terrorize me with a deep scary voice.It seemed real and not a nightmare.I dont know if it might have been a sleep paralysis hallucination or just a vivid nightmare.It was recurring though.It stopped for the most part at about age 11.

How to cure restlessness?

At night that is, since summer vacation started for me I've been enjoying each day more fully than the last and I'm feeling a lot happier knowing my next years my last in high school but I've been a little over-the-top recently. I can't seem to fall asleep for hours on end and usually I fall asleep at 1:00 am and wake up at 10 in the morning. I've also had recurring dreams of a particular person and I keep thinking about her even if I don't want to, that and several other things are always pestering me even on a subconscious level I still feel the same tension thats there during the school year. It's as though I'm always wound up waiting for something. Anyways I'm thinking this restlessness might have to do with these recurring thoughts and tensions and some depression in the past. Any thoughts, opinions please?

ATHEISTS: Why Are Humans The Dominant Species On Earth...?

How utterly silly! Perhaps the reason there are far more non christians is he gave them more brainpower!

WHY do some say JESUS was Black, when all modern evidence says WHITE?

Refer to the first book of (Genesis)and you will see the whites went to Europe sons of Japeth Ham father of Africans and Shep father of the Hebrews.

God says at Gen 1:26... but who is he having this conversation with?

God was talking to God the Son , Jesus, who would be the redeemer ...and the Holy Spirit looking on with love and approval ....what a magnificent and lovely picture they make ....and we resulted ...let us be eternally thankful

Whats it mean if i have a recurring dream?

the dream about the burning city could be fears you have. the beautiful pet shop could be something good in your life.

How can I cancel my New York Sports Club membership without visiting a branch?

I had to leave the country and will be away on business for several months. My membership has a recurring charge but is cancelable at any time with 30 days written notice. Normally they make you do this in person How can I cancel my membership from abroad?

What does dreaming of someone you love's death mean?

I find that the meanings behind dreams can frequently be quite basic... if you dream about someone dying that you care about you are probably concerned about them for some reason... do they have health problems? do they do dangerous things and make you worry? it sounds to me like maybe you think he is suicidal and concerned he will actually try to kill himself.

Frequent UTI's since I was little?

When I as little I would get UTI's quite often, so often that when I was 2 I had to get a catheda inserted to make sure everything was okay and I have also had many ultrasounds. At sleepovers, if it was cold or I had a glass of soda before bed I would wake up with a UTI. It also happened more often when I was stressed. I stopped having UTI's for about 8 years and it started again recently when I became sexually active. I lost my virginity at 17, I am now 18 and have had six or so UTI's in the last year, I am wondering why I am so prone to UTI's, it's getting especially bad- in the last month I've had 3 more...and they seem to be getting much more painful. Does anyone know why I might be getting recurring symptoms and why this always happens to me? I have excellent hygiene and my GP's at a loss... Thanks

Army and marine question?

do you always get sent into battle or in a position where you have to be ready incase of battle while your a soldier? cause i see a lot of people that never went into battle before, just wondering how that is

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Recurring floater in my eye again?

I have a floater in my eye again, it is the same thing as it was on monday. After 2 days it started to fade, i had an appointment with my local optician and had a eye test and everything was fine besides getting a new perscription. Anyway after having the test, the floater came back around 7pm UK time and i was just wondering whether i should make an appointment with the eye infirmary or wait until the weekend is over cause like i said before i had the floater on monday afternoon and it faded away by today so do you think i should see how it goes and make another appointment when the floater comes back?

Catholics: Would the Vatican produce a statue of the late pope to worship?

Now that the pope john paul II is beatified., would the Vatican produce a statue or a likeness of the pope so faithful Catholics to venerate and pray to intercede? Your opinion will be greatly appreciated.

I think girls think I'm ugly, and I don't know what to do?

So I always thought myself as attractive till about 13~ and then I started blaming things for my unattractiveness. First, it was my acne, but now that's pretty controlled. Then, I thought it was my nose because my nose is kinda big (not like a circus freak big or anything) but really when it comes down to it I think its my overall face structure. I have short very dark brown hair, average brown eyes, a very protruded brow ridge (my biggest insecurity), average ears, very defined jawline (little less than Brad Pitt), and pretty nice lips (not thin). I am super nice to girls I think because it's so hard to get one to even pay attention to me, but not overly nice to where I would creep them out. I am average at talking to girls, and am especially funny. I wear cologne, make sure I have good breath, and wear clothes in style. I am 6 feet tall, 16 years old, and 150-160ish pounds, with a slightly muscular build and really no fat. The few times I get girl's numbers I always get the feeling they wanna be just friends because they call me "best friend" and send hearts really early on, something which you wouldn't do to someone you have feelings for. Also girls always joke around calling me sexy, and trust me I know they're not serious it's a recurring joke. Also, most of the times girls will tell me one of my friends is sexy or cute or can I have their number which is a pretty big indication they don't really feel much for me. Idk if I should put pictures up you guys tell me. Could I maybe send them to you?

What's wrong with me? Recurring symptoms.?

5 months ago was diagnosed with iron deficient anemia and was suffering from these symptoms;paleness, excessive thirst, muscle pain and cramping, severe heel pain, muscle weakness, lack of interest in anything, ice chewing and shortness of breath, tired all the time. Doctor told me to take iron pills otc and within a day or two I was feeling fantastic. three months later still ok, but test says borderline anemic. two months ago insurance is gone and can't afford dr. these symptoms are recurring all of the sudden, muscle weakness, severe heel pain, shortness of breath, moderate thirst, very sleepy. I take zoloft 20mg. daily as well as omeprazole 20mg. and 1 iron tablet(feosol)65mg. what may be causing the symptoms to recur? any suggestions since I am un able to go to a dr. thanks.

Is this a blatant contradiction in the account of creation?

That's what happens when you take a bunch of smaller fairy tales and make one big one out of them without a good editor.

Help with a 90's made for tv movie?

It was about these two volleyball players. They had a friendship/rivalry. They both battled bulimia and one dies after being hit by a car after a beach party. In the end, the friend who lives sees the friend who dies ghost at the volleyball game.

Is it Right for me to change into christian?

Dump both and become an atheist. I had a similar background to you and that's what I ended up doing. I mean, you don't have just two choices. Look at all the different religions out there. Why not worship Thor or Zeus or the Mayan sun god? They're all made up. Yahweh (the Christian god) is not an exception. You just think he's true because that's how you were raised.

Does the Noble Lie explain Judaism?

But, eating crackers and waving branches was not part of the original religion, it's part of holiday traditions that were created later. Tradition is not the same as religion, even though they are usually tightly married.

Private College vs. Public College?

Look at this situation in the context of opportunity cost. With each option, consider what you would be giving up on the other side. The top accredited school would offer a much better education and career field options but would give up possibly staying out of debt. On the other side the smaller college will keep you out of debt but gives up the opportunity to do something you enjoy. You need to decide if you can live with that decision 4 years down the road when its all said and done. Other factors to consider are the possibility of community colleges to start. If you go two years to a community college you will get smaller class sizes, not have to pay as much and if you transfer after two years the future employers will only see where you graduated last. Whether or not you went all four years is a load of poppycock(i love that word). Also, i can't attest to this personally but ive heard that scholarship money can become more accessible if you break dependency from your parents. I would definately weigh the options in that scenario because it is not a decision to make lightly but the government does offer more money for college if your not dependent. An extreme option i know but its something to consider. The final suggestion i have is just to look at different colleges. I'm sure your whole state doesn't boil down to two colleges that offer your major. Talk to a counselor that knows more than i do and figure out what works for you. Doing one thing will give up the opportunity to do something else. Opportunity cost, plain and simple.

Is the universe expanding because God stretched it out in the beginning?

Your God and our Big Bang and basically the same thing, in either case i'd say the universe is expanding and will continue to do so.

When will liberals admit state and national parks are a marxist government land grab in disguise?

So, the republican party's only Noble Prize winner, Theodore Roosevelt, was wrong to start the ball rolling on this? I swear, neo-cons would ban sewage systems if their lame leaders lit on that as an issue.

Can you rate my GBA game collection out of 5 please!?

I'd say 5 just because I'm a pokemon fan (: I don't know what they have for GBA but if you have other consoles, you might like the Tomb Raider games.

My poekmon team is competitve?

so today i made i team and it is 6 arseus and they are each holding a diferent plate. i have one with water, 1 with fire, 1 with gress, 1 with psycic, 1 with fighting, n 1 with dark. they all know very powerful moves and together they can beat every1 in the game XD i promise you they are all legit so if you think i can go to competitive battles tell me pls :)

Do you think that Satan is gay and is only trying to transform some into his image?

Well, satan is not gay, but that is his design. It is contrary to the will of God and his hope is to get all to follow him and to stray from god. If all followed homosexuality, Satan would destroy mankind which he desires so much to do, because mankind has been so favored over him.

Can a recurring payment through DirectTV be declined if my Bank of America account is currently overdrawn?

I bank with Bank of America, my account is overdrawn. Direct TV is set up on auto pay, will Bank of America decline this transaction OR will it go through and charge me an overdraft fee?

Why does Philippians 2;6 contradict the claim that Jesus was equal with God?

There is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever. Watch this! If Jesus is not God, why would this verse have to deny it? What is the point? If the subject matter is about God, then the ONLY reason is to emphasize the whole point that God did indeed lower Himself. And the rest of that chapter does indeed emphasize that point. Now since the subject matter of that verse is about God, this passage, also, has given occasion to much discussion. Prof. Stuart renders it: "did not regard his equality with God as an object of solicitous desire;" that is, that though he was of a divine nature or condition, he did not eagerly seek to retain his equality with God, but took on him an humble condition. In other words, how does God express this humble act but by simply indicating He is not going to take advantage of being God by grasping it (New American Bible Revised Edition) since the whole point is humility. Why deny being God if you are not really God? Do not make the subject matter "God" in the first place since there is no point in denying it. The ONLY plausible reason for such a subject matter is for Jesus not to take advantage of it while existing in such a humble state. Also, the Douay-Rheims version verse (robbery) is still valid.

So it's 2:30 in the morning I'm texting and about to go to sleep. But I have this sensation that is awkward?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me.

World of warcraft battle chest dvd rom?

i got this 10 day trial to this game and i'm a beginner at this game and this dvd rom is suppose to have world of Warcraft 1 and the 2nd one also considered as an extension pack called burning crusade and when i put it in it says install burning crusade and it does not give me an option to install the first one. The first one is all i want because i want to start at the beginning. Am i confused? what could be wrong?