Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I think girls think I'm ugly, and I don't know what to do?

So I always thought myself as attractive till about 13~ and then I started blaming things for my unattractiveness. First, it was my acne, but now that's pretty controlled. Then, I thought it was my nose because my nose is kinda big (not like a circus freak big or anything) but really when it comes down to it I think its my overall face structure. I have short very dark brown hair, average brown eyes, a very protruded brow ridge (my biggest insecurity), average ears, very defined jawline (little less than Brad Pitt), and pretty nice lips (not thin). I am super nice to girls I think because it's so hard to get one to even pay attention to me, but not overly nice to where I would creep them out. I am average at talking to girls, and am especially funny. I wear cologne, make sure I have good breath, and wear clothes in style. I am 6 feet tall, 16 years old, and 150-160ish pounds, with a slightly muscular build and really no fat. The few times I get girl's numbers I always get the feeling they wanna be just friends because they call me "best friend" and send hearts really early on, something which you wouldn't do to someone you have feelings for. Also girls always joke around calling me sexy, and trust me I know they're not serious it's a recurring joke. Also, most of the times girls will tell me one of my friends is sexy or cute or can I have their number which is a pretty big indication they don't really feel much for me. Idk if I should put pictures up you guys tell me. Could I maybe send them to you?

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