Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hath you ever watched dew drips travel down spiders webbs.wouldn't guitar strings be made that way.?

driping down like unto A hersheys kiss tear drop style the bottom three strings would no longer be soley one solid string of steel instead ot may prove to work better than the coiled upper strings.just something i would ask just in case Diamond guitars & strings reads questions and Answers.for kiss industries they had to be black Diamond strings yet we all use our favorite brands.Yet to bring forth the spooky Hell razor horror movie ish style of Rock & Roll music new strings will be needed to be created and A new wizard of Oz tinman guitar doe broe style with rumpled steel tin skin and U;S pennies as the intensifiers with small ceramic washers between each penny and placed with in the guitars Tin roof likeness grooves .with most standard guitars the guitarist is the person to hear the instrament most because of the flat wood and the solo hole with in its center the sin waves must hath A frontal Exit more like unto A space ships slanted vents and as the pennies vibrate they intensify the sound waves with in yet the mandolin bowed skin is the option when we are creating something space age good enough for north west Arkansas bluse ,grass roots Rock music and the new scarey Hell raiser style with old fashioned iron lungs sound machines from medicines spooky very dark and little comprehended past of which would be perfect for Rock music smooching razor back hog fans of Arkansas state and other states of which hath rams and other hell raiser Animal persons shaped mascots and sports teams logos.banjo's had to earn the resonator and still be dished interior to sound clean and crisp as A new $ 20 dollar bill.the rippled tin would make a hollowish sound guitarist would pay big money to own.

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