Friday, July 15, 2011

Keep Dreaming About This Boy...?

Basically, around three months ago, a boy a few years older than me, who I had been talking to frequently for about a week, began to show an unwanted romantic interest in me. He showed 'stalker' behavior: pestering my friends for information on me, hunting around for me and calling me constantly. I made it quite clear that I wasn't interested but he still persisted. This led to me having a lot of anxieties. I have serious depression and anorexia and I find it hard to deal with social situations and being close to other people. Since this has happened, this boy seems to be appearing in my dreams constantly. He usually appears in a romantic sense. I have had dreams where I have slept with him or he has been around me in such a way. I definitely do not like him, so I'm confused as to why I seem to be attracted to him in my dreams as that does not reflect my true emotions. What is my subconscious trying to tell me and why does he keep recurring in my dreams? Thanks.

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