Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hiv and aids question?

I have been with the same partner for almost 6 years and he hadn't had any other relations with anybody else and neither have i. But probably 7-8 years ago when i was much younger i slept with a few guys unprotected now i am worried i have aids. I have no symptoms other then i have recurring yeast infections. I mad an appointment with my gynocologist to go over these concerns but my boyfriend donated plasma after we have already been sleeping together and having sexual relation if i was infected would i have already infected him if we were having unprotected sex for 1-2 years and also would they have notified him if he had HIV? Another question if i had aids would i be having other symptoms besides recurring yeast infections after 7-8 years? I rarely get sick and i am of a healthy weight and i have a very healthy any advice would be appreciated i am just freaking out thar i may have aids.

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