Monday, July 11, 2011

How long does it take to show symptoms of aids?

I am a 24 year old female and for the past almost 6 years have had the same sex partner in which i know he has not cheated on me any. But anyways when i was quiet a bit younger say around 16 or 17 i had a few partners more like one night stands and being irresponciable young careless and the result of drinking. Now i am worried i could have contracted aids. I have told my boyfriend about the past experiences but i went probably a year or two after those experiences before being sexually active with my boyfriend and i have not been with anybody else since. I do not do drugs nor have i ever shared a needle or anything like that. I have been to the gyno and had pap test and cbcs from a regular doctor but as i have read about aids that those test wont show it. I have never had any symptoms of any STDs or do i have immune problems aka get sick often or frequently the only thing i experience is recurring yeast infections and i read on the packaginthat this could be caused by HIV. If i had contracted hiv 7-8 years ago would i be showing any symptoms by now? I am just kinda freaking Out. I am going to make a gyno appointment tomorrow and talk about testing me. Can your gyno test for aids and how long does it take to get the results. Back?

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